
Weekly Horoscope September 16-22, 2024

The online platform AstroWeek sheds light on the weekly star tips for love, friendships, business, finances, or sports. Which endeavors are particularly favored by the stars? What should you avoid at the moment? The new weekly outlook is available every Sunday at 10 am exclusively online.

Monica Kissling also analyzes current topics from a stellar perspective quarterly on AstroTalk on TeleZüri. Monica Kissling, also known as Madame Etoile, is a professional astrologer who has been leading the astrological counseling practice IMPULSE COUNSELING in Zurich since 1985. She offers consultations and seminars for individuals and businesses and is well-known to a broad audience through her media contributions.

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This week, the stars are aligning to bring positivity and harmony in your love life. Singles may find themselves drawn to someone new who sparks their interest. For those in relationships, communication will be key to resolving any conflicts that may arise. It’s a good time to express your feelings and strengthen the bond with your partner. Remember to listen to your heart and trust your instincts when it comes to matters of the heart.


When it comes to finances, this week is a good time to reassess your budget and financial goals. Look for opportunities to increase your income or save money for future investments. Avoid impulsive spending and make wise financial decisions based on careful planning and consideration. It’s a favorable time to seek advice from a financial advisor or explore new ways to grow your wealth.


Your physical and mental well-being are important aspects to focus on this week. Make sure to prioritize self-care and listen to your body’s needs. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as meditation, yoga, or exercise. Pay attention to your diet and ensure you are nourishing your body with healthy foods. Remember that a healthy mind and body go hand in hand, so take the time to nurture both aspects of your well-being.