
Who will win the Gastro-Challenge in Paderborn?

This week, „Mein Lokal, Dein Lokal“ is in Paderborn! The competition kicks off on Monday with Sebastian and his restaurant „GASTSTÄTTE BOBBERTS.“ Sebastian aims to impress with his „sophisticated, yet approachable“ cuisine. Will he succeed in winning over the guests?

Sebastian serves both classic dishes and modern creations. Will his balance between tradition and innovation convince the guests, or do they long for a clearer direction? On the second day, Max welcomes visitors to his restaurant called „Die Fabrik.“ The name says it all, as the ambiance is characterized by modern industrial details that captivate the guests. Max is supported by his parents, who create a warm and family-friendly environment as a team. The trio offers guests an authentic BBQ and burger experience, reminiscent of the USA.

On Wednesday, Benedikt opens the doors of his restaurant „El Chingón“ and invites gastronomers to the city center of Paderborn. His restaurant has set new standards in the city with authentic Mexican street food. Benedikt aims to convey Mexico’s lively temperament through his restaurant and provide his guests with an unforgettable experience.

These restaurants are competing this week on „Mein Lokal, Dein Lokal“:
– „GASTSTÄTTE BOBBERTS“, Paderborn (Monday, Sebastian)
– „Die Fabrik“, Paderborn (Tuesday, Max)
– „El Chingón“, Paderborn (Wednesday, Benedikt)
– „MUNDUS“, Paderborn (Thursday, Oliver)
– „Landgasthaus Lenninger“, Büren (Friday, Kaan)

„Mein Lokal, Dein Lokal“ is a reality show aired on Kabel Eins since 2013. Each week, five restaurateurs from a city compete to find the best restaurant in town. Each weekday, a different restaurant owner hosts the competition. Dishes including appetizers, main courses, and desserts are served, providing exclusive insights into the kitchen. Points are awarded at the end of each evening, with host and chef Mike Süsser offering his expertise.

Stay tuned as Oliver invites guests to enjoy his diverse array of international and vegan-vegetarian dishes at „MUNDUS“ in the heart of Paderborn. As the manager, Oliver sees himself as a progressive restaurateur with clear visions. Alongside excellent cuisine, he values a relaxed and familial atmosphere when interacting with guests.

To wrap up the week, head to Büren to visit Kaan at „Landgasthaus Lenninger.“ The trained chef and kitchen master offers a blend of regional cuisine and crossover elements. Kaan creates a mix of modern ambiance and coziness in his restaurant. The fresh dishes combined with the restaurant’s charm are well-loved in the region, but on the final day, he must also impress the competition – and the bar is set high!

„Mein Lokal, Dein Lokal“ airs Monday to Friday at 5:55 PM on Kabel Eins or Joyn. *Affiliate Link

Embarrassing blunder on „Mein Lokal, Dein Lokal“: „Tim got lucky!“

It’s every restaurateur’s nightmare: Tim makes a serious mistake right at the start of „Mein Lokal, Dein Lokal.“ The appetizer is served, the mood is jovial, but then comes the bitter realization!

The midweek celebration takes place at the summit of „Kellerskopf.“ Owner Tim runs the eponymous restaurant there. The trained chef has worked in many renowned establishments in and around Germany. With „Kellerskopf,“ he pursues the concept of an international crossover cuisine. Can he convince his competitors with it? „We may be hard to find, but those who do find us, like us,“ explains the restaurateur with a sly smile. However, Tim should not lose sight of being a host – a silly mistake occurs already with the appetizer…