The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported on Thursday, the 25. In October, the storming of a residential building to the North-West of Sydney. The prosecution accuses the arrested 23-Year-old, in January of this year a 56-year-old Investor to 100,000 of the Ripple tokens (XRP). At that time, the assets from the E-Mail Hack had a value of not less than US $ 450,000. A lot of it is due to the weak XRP price unfortunately left.

in mid-January of 2018, managed the non-identified cyber-criminals to hack the E-Mail account of your victim. Promptly changed the password and by specifying your mobile phone number is a two-step hedging of the account. After that, they distributed, according to the police the 100,000 XRP to multiple Wallets of Chinese Online trading platforms. Two days later, the control of his E-Mail Account to regain succeeded Robbed,. However, the Suspect had withdrawn up to the time all assets. During the search of the parents that the house is occupied the special squad of the police ensured a variety of technical devices, the proof is complete guide.

Australia: crypto-Crime coming soon to the agenda?

Arthur Katsogiannis, the commander of the operational group for Cybercrime, told the ABC that this was for his country a very important crime. Within Australia no one was ever arrested due to a technology-based theft of crypto-currencies. Katsogiannis expressed in the Video of the broadcaster and his fear that this Form of crime in a few years, could convert from the exception to the Norm. Such incidents are dangerous for all investors who are interested in crypto-currencies.

Stolen Ripple Assets, only a fraction of the value

of The process against the wife’s will according to the media, at 19. November opened. The individual whose this is of little use. The Investor has also the Check should enable the police to procure all that has been stolen, and China deposited Ripple Wallets. The reason for this is the violent descent of the Ripple price (XRP) within the last nine months. Its capital would be at the moment, only about 65,000 US-Dollar value. In addition, it remains to be seen whether the sideways phase of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple will soon be announced, past.