Swissquote wishes to democratize the world of Finance and launches an ICO-Investment platform. Investors can invest in this from the equivalent of 30 euros in ICOs. As the first company in lake diamond uses the offer. According to swissquote is the first Bank in the world.

The Switzerland-based Online Bank, Swissquote announced a few days ago in a press release the launch of its ICO platform. Through this, investors can participate in ICOs. Furthermore, swissquote takes over after an Investment, the retention of the Token. Is invested in by means of the Swiss franc. Behind the project the idea of the „democratization of the financial world“, as CEO Marc Bürki argued:

„The democratization of the financial world since the founding of the Bank, our guiding principle. We want to simplify services and accessible for everyone. Accordingly, our customers now have the ability to Start to support the ups via a Crowdfunding on a Blockchain-based, short: ICO.“

This „democratization of the financial world“ is made possible, among other things, the minimum investment of 33 Swiss francs (the equivalent of about 30 euros). The first ICO (or Pre-Sale) is already running. This is the Swiss Start-up lake diamond. The company produces synthetic diamonds for industrial applications, such as lasers or watches drives. About the ICO the company wants to collect 60.5 million Swiss francs. A Token corresponds to one Minute of production time. In other words, each Token of a fraction of a diamond, such as the lake diamond CEO Pascal Gallo in a YouTube explained Video.

Diverse ICO-environment

Even if Swissquote is the first Bank with its ICO-platform according to their own information, in the world, to offer other business related services. For example, the Stuttgart stock exchange has announced in August a similar product. Moreover, the notification comes a few days after the ICO Report by the auditing company Ernst & Young. In this report, among other things, on a strong case, at the end of ICO-yields and predict the withdrawal of private ICO investors.

in Spite of this difficult ICO-environment, the Swiss rate remains with your goal of „democratization of the financial world,“ the goal of the crypto-Economy. However, somewhat contrary to this, the statement is a must have in the press release that investors thanks to the ICO platform is familiar neither with the Blockchain a Blockchain Wallet. This technical simplification, increased user-friendliness and promotes the penetration of the market weakens, but the core features of the ICOs. To find the balance between user-friendliness and the Revolution is decisive for the future of Lilly ICOs. You will be offered only one investment class of many – from a Bank – or allow ICOs to „be Your Own Bank“?

anyway, a great advantage of such institutionalized ICOs: you are legally and entrepreneurial safer than direct Investments on the websites of the respective ICOs. Although the total loss is never excluded, reduced a professional pre-selection of the probability. Accordingly, swissquote, for instance, requires the transparency of the ICOs. Among other things, the Bank is considering „only Mature projects that can be immediately launched, and the request to the Board of management, the activity, key financial indicators and the legal situation of the company.“

Many roads lead to a ICO

Currently, investors in a variety of ways in ICOs invest. Also, ICOs, still a wide investment group. If, as Ernst & Young forecast – private investors are pulling out and more qualified investors (e.g., funds) move up, it will show. Also, it is unclear how the future is invested; it will be like swissquote banks, Crowdfunding platforms, such as Newfoundland or direct Investments? Finally, the investors decide. That is why it is market promoting companies to offer investors as many ways as possible.