The American business magazine Forbes want to in the future put on the Blockchain technology. Forbes is the first major media company makes use of the „journalism-Blockchain“ Civil.

Although the Blockchain is often in the much-needed children’s footwear, are the announcements of large companies, with the new technology that is under Bitcoin experiment. Now another big Player has with Forbes, his interest in decentralized solutions – here for journalism – expressed. Through the cooperation with the Civil Media Company Forbes hopes to, among other things, new insights into how the Blockchain technology can help to increase the confidence of the reader.

As to the media-Blog of Civil co-founder Matt Coolidge, to start the collaboration in January 2019. First of all, Forbes would like to save the meta data of the chosen Forbes article on the Civil-Blockchain. For starters, only the data to find crypto-related articles made their way to the Ethereum-based Blockchain. There they remain stored, and before the alteration by third parties. Coolidge:

„The publication of the meta-data is to verify the identity and credibility of the author, as well as the expert status of the participating sources, and indelible.“

Should the Experiment succeed in the first quarter of 2019, could Forbes be transferred to the meta data store of all of your articles on the Civil-Blockchain.

Civil aims to be a decentralized „market place“ for journalists. These can organize themselves either individually or as a collective in the so-called Newsroom. For admission as a Newsroom, journalists have to apply for a job with Civil. The application comprises four steps:

Newsroom-candidates need to share their „Mission“ and the supposed target audience and have the Finanzierungdas submit a list of members of the Newsroom with all the relevant reference nThe policy of the Civil network in the Form of the „Civil Constitution“ to nThe platform will signed own ERC-20 tokens must be acquired and be her stalked.Civil: CVL-Token Sale to 15. October

see How the last point, the Civil platform without its own Token. The CVL Token that gives its owner, in particular voting rights, such as voting on the conformity of a Newsroom with the Civil Constitution. The Token Sale started on the 18th. September and runs until 15. October.

unlike the Newsroom, the readers are not obliged to Hold CVL. You should be able to reward the journalists in the Fiat, as well as some crypto-currencies.

in June of renegade employees of the Denver Post decided to start with the help of Civil their own independent media platform, The Colorado Sun.