The city of Vienna wants to promote using the Blockchain technology, process automation and optimisation in food stamps for their employees. To do this, you have received once again a cooperation with Ernst & Young, one of the leading auditing and consultancy organisations. An earlier joint project for the Implementation of the Notary public of Open Government Data was already successful.

The Austrian capital has expressed several times in the past you probably want to crypto-currency and the underlying Blockchain technology. The Vienna Hotel Schani since June of 2017, when the payment for the rooms on Bitcoin. Also a Bitcoin vending machine is there for the guests. Another crypto ATM is in the House of Nakamoto in Vienna. In December 2017 the city of Vienna co-operated with Ernst & Young (EY) and published the unique solution to the hedging of Open Government data using the Blockchain. According to a press release is now supposed to further cooperation in the field of Distributed Ledger technology for more transparency and efficiency in the use of food stamps for the urban employees.

test phase with Smartphones successfully

complete, employees of the city of Vienna have the possibility to use a food subsidy of 1.46 Euro in the Form of food stamps. For that, you can redeem them for payment of your lunch at around 800 contract local. With the food stamps in paper form, also a high level of logistical and organizational effort goes hand in hand. Now the Blockchain is to help to automate the associated processes and to optimize them. This begins with the output, and extends finally to accounting.

The city of Vienna and EY to put the project in several phases. The first Phase deals with the technical feasibility, began in mid-July and was completed in mid-September of 2018. However, participants in the digital food could redeem the brand through your Smartphone.

„All the recent transactions are invariably shown in a private Blockchain and can be traced from all of the participants transparent“

Jonas is Younger, the Senior Manager of EY’s European Advisory Centre Blockchain Hub explained.

This first Phase concluded with the joint settlement of the two involved in the contract is local and the subsequent evaluation. Through the successful completion of this first test can be done in the next phases of the implementation and Roll out for approximately 20,000 employees of the city of Vienna.

„With the project, we can show how food brands in the digital age look. Our goal is for all Users – from staff, the Administration staff responsible to the contract, the local – to create an efficient and transparent System to reduce the effort in the long term. So we are as the city of Vienna, a pioneer in the use of Blockchain technology and drive our Initiative to make the city and their management, ’smarter‘, a big step forward“,

closes Ulrike Huemer, CIO of the city of Vienna.