IBM and „Smart Dubai“ gifts on Tuesday, 30. October, the Start of a new Blockchain platform in Dubai, as well. The „Dubai Blockchain Platform“ is intended to digitalise the state administrative acts. Thus, the Emirate is pushing ahead with its Blockchain aspirations.

The Emirate of Dubai is considered as one of the crypto-friendly countries in the world. This call wants to be the Emirate with a further Blockchain project. In cooperation with „Smart Dubai“ and IBM Dubai, announces the launch of the „Dubai Blockchain Platform“. The platform should, first and foremost, the mechanization of the state administration. The formulated target: by 2021, the Emirate wants to establish an entirely paperless administration.

in addition to the automation of the authorities, the Dubai Blockchain Platform should also act as a kind of incubator. Because the platform runs on an IBM private Cloud environment, which can litigate, as we Heard, more than six billion transactions. The Dubai Blockchain Platform is able to host a variety of individual Blockchain projects. Thus, the Emirate of domestic Blockchain wants to promote companies in a targeted manner.

One of the first projects to be implemented on the new platform, the „Dubai Payment Blockchain Settlement and Reconciliation System“. The Service is designed to shorten lengthy clearing processes dramatically, and automate.

The desert state polished its Image

Dubai is working more diligently, the change of the Oil – for-Tech-Nation. This includes the embrace of the Blockchain technology: Smart-Dubai is one of Executive Board member Dr. Aisha Bint Butti Bin Bishr:

„Dubai was the pioneer of the Blockchain technology, while others were reluctant to major cities around the world to use the technology [ … ].“

she added that it is thanks mainly IMBs „Wealth of knowledge and expertise in the high technology industries,“ knowledge is that projects such as the new platform. As a result, the Emirate could have up to 2021″, the first completely digitized administration in the world“.

IBM is facing the partnership are satisfied. To CNBC Life Anthony Butler, CTO of the Blockchain division at IBM Middle East and Africa justified, the strong focus on DLT as follows:

„What’s the Blockchain-technology, governments are allowed to design and manage new and digitize processes, and a way to offer that ultimately means an improvement for the people.“

A look at the Dubai blockchain platform | Capital Connection

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Dubai is deeds, not words, and promotes the use of DLT in all areas of life. The Dubai Blockchain Platform is so interesting because it can serve as a lever for many other projects. The – Yes, you have to call them so – „Blockchain-Nation“ Dubai is likely to make in the future on a regular basis with new use cases for the DLT.