in addition to their members of Parliament, the Americans have in the US Midterm elections this Tuesday, dem6. November, in 36 American States, the office of the Governor, re-staffed. Should be pleased with their output, especially the crypto-scene in the States of California and Colorado. Here is the crypto-friendly Democrats Gavin Newsom and Jared Polis have decided the election. In addition, the Blockchain-a pioneer of Wyoming, as expected, his open-hearted course is confirmed. Across the country companies may now hope on the exemplary role of the three Federal States.

The US Mid-term elections apply as a mood barometer for the mid-term of the President-in-office. As to the Power of Trumps is ordered, this is the question this year, especially the foreign media coverage for the Congress election. A third choice is often under the table. Because every two years the Governor of individual States to always be. Change here for the citizens, businesses, and policy is often much more noticeable.

choice falls on Bitcoin-Governor

With the choice of Gavin Newsoms to the Governor particularly the crypto-scene in California this week, all the reason to be happy seems. The largest American-Blockchain-community in his home state of is Newsom as openly and sympathetically set. The 51-year-old Democrat, had received already in 2014 as one of the first representatives of the people’s campaign donations in Bitcoin.

Although there is a lack of concrete statements about the Blockchain and Bitcoin, however, his choice is regarded as a gain for the crypto-scene. So Newsom from 2004 until 2011, mayor of the crypto-metropolis of San Francisco. Here is the General progressive set, a Democrat, had positioned itself to, among other things, as a proponent of the digitization of the public sector.

in His opinion, public service providers should be based, if possible, a „performance“ act. To do this, you should give people the opportunity to do all of the Amtsgänge online.

In his campaign, Newsom also stresses often that it is his overarching goal was California, and even more as a „Power-House“ of the economic and technological progress. This is likely to be company-music to the ears of non-resident digital.

Californian Bitcoin scene with a tailwind despite setbacks

California is with nearly 40 million residents of the most populous and traditionally the politically most open member state of the United States. In addition to the stock market giant Coinbase numerous Blockchain and crypto – companies the state of your home. Yet here is the Democrat Jerry Brown had steered the fortunes, and the Bitcoin scene with his liberal course little in the way of that – unlike, for example, as in other U.S. States.

Although crypto-enthusiasts in the Sunshine State had to cope with recent setbacks. Nevertheless, the signs of the times, the Governor also continued on Opening.

So, the independent Supervisory authority FPPC had been banned in September Bitcoin donations to campaign financing. In addition, succeeded in the Midterms with the California Democrats Brad Sherman of the repeated intake of a particular crypto-critical members in the Congress. A direct impact on the legal situation in his home state should not have the choice of Shermans, however.

A continuing crypto-friendly law under Newsom could look forward to only resident companies. The state is awarded also in General, a crucial role model for the Rest of the much more conservative US.

Colorado: Jack Polis wants to make the mountain state to the Blockchain-port

crypto-companies should, however, capture a second gubernatorial election as an important profit. In the Rocky Mountain state of Colorado, is a crypto-friendly vote with the Democrats Jared Polis in the future, also the course of the next four years.

The progressive Democrat, Polis is this year as the first openly gay candidate for the Governor of a state had ever adopted as the first American representative of the people of the Bitcoin donations. The 43-Year-old as a Blockchain Enthusiast and want to take advantage of the technology potential, especially by the state. Under his pen, Colorado similar to the neighboring state of Wyoming should be to companies a „safe Harbor“ for Blockchain -.

„My goal is to make Colorado a national center for Blockchain Innovation in the economy and government. [So we] want to encourage businesses to flock to us and a public service to create, save taxes, and the citizens added value,“

it is approximately in the campaign letter from the Polis.

he Also wants to dispense with a large number of directives and regulations and the crypto-sector with a liberal legislation to make life easier. In this context, also Colorado could be the model, and the „way for the whole of the USA pave“.

Wyoming confirmed Blockchain-course

is likely to have ensured the election of Republican Mark Gordon as the chief of government, head of the Federal state of Wyoming in the case of American crypto-company for joy. After the previous incumbent Matt Mead, was eliminated after two extensions of the term of office, was able to party colleague Gordon to win the race as expected. Under Mead, Wyoming more and more to the choice the home of many Blockchain had evolved in the company. Gordon is now expected that he leads Meads line. He also was a staunch advocate of Blockchain technologies.

In the Rocky Mountains, particularly favorable climate conditions that facilitate about the server cooling lure similar to that in the North of Europe or Canada in addition to affordable electricity. You should also adjust the law in the future, are likely to soon find even more business your way in the mountain States of Wyoming and Colorado. Whether the Governor’s choice, however, the hoped-for Domino effect, with a view to the Rest of the USA is established, it remains to be seen, and at least for the next four years is questionable.