the Mexico gets its first Blockchain network. To Bitso, Volabit, BIVA, GBM, Lyna Capital, ConsenSys, and Exponent of Capital. The companies have it written on the Flag, the population of the technology. Above all, to prepare for the upcoming technological Revolution.

By Phillip Horch
30. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

La Asociación Blockchain México – so the new Association, dedicated to in Mexico, the issue of Blockchain. The merger of the company, Bitso, Volabit, BIVA, GBM, Lvna Capital, ConsenSys, and Exponent of Capital want to address this one thing: the population of the Blockchain technology.

Mexico wants to create safety

Like Forbes Mexico, reported that the Association is also a question of technical and regulatory Standards. Before the technology spreading more wool to create safety, to avoid hazards such as money laundering. In the foreground the benefits of the technology yet. So Mouses Cassab, the founder of Exponent Capital, compared to Forbes:

“The current applications of the Blockchain, ranging from the reduction of the costs for the shipment of Remittances and international payments, to the democratization of the financial system.”

in order to prepare the Association finally, for the spread of the Blockchain technology and the associated technological progress. In Germany, the merger finds its counterpart most likely in the Blockchain Association, which issued a position paper on the topic.

Blockchain-companies in this country

the majority of The German Blockchain-companies seated in Berlin. The majority of these companies deal with the issues of Finance and crypto-currencies in the Bitcoin Boom-the year 2017. More than half of the Blockchain-the Start-ups already generates revenues. All of this emerges from a study, the BTC-ECHO in collaboration with the block state has developed. Who is more to Finance, revenue and current stage of development, the company wants to know can be found here.