the In the night of 24. on the 25. November is the price of Bitcoin below 4,000 US dollars have fallen. So he has broken another long-time support. An analysis of the ongoing bear market.

Dr. Philipp Giese
On the 25. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin has done it again: He has fallen, dramatically. In the meantime, his price to move below the level of 4,000 dollars. The price of Bitcoin fell, therefore, on the Level reached the last Time in September 2017. At the time these courses were a result of the China-induced short-term bear market.

This Time the situation is much more dramatic, however, broken a fundamental long-term support:

to emphasize the significance, once again, in words: With the current Dump is a October 2015 existing Support has been broken. To say that such courses would not have been dreaming at the beginning of January 2017, would be to ignore the drama of the current Situation. We are in another Level of the bear market.

is not like Bitcoin, the entire crypto market is down. So far, so good. However, XRP, which is becoming stronger Bitcoin decoupled crypto-currency from the house of Ripple, this downward trend, new. While XRP in the past few weeks, to keep above the moving average of the last 20 weeks, has brought the current sell-off is also the XRP price back to the bottom of the facts:

is Positive to note, however, that the rate is still higher than the mid-2017 pursued Support, which is currently $ 0.32.

Bitcoin at the Dive – what now?

How can it go from here? In the short to medium term can be seen as a new Support, the aforementioned price level for $ 3,500, $ 3,000 and $ 2,500. For long-term investors, the question of how it could go.

The old saying goes that history does not repeat, but rhymes. So, we are looking at the price history of Bitcoins. The last bear market from 2014 to 2016. Can we learn from this something? A look at the weekly chart of the Bitcoin price between 2011 and 2018, shows an interesting behavior:

The rhyme can be broken up story on the recent price fall and the end of 2014 to see: In both cases, the moving average of the last 140 weeks. At the same time, a further important Support was, in both cases, for three years, broke.

For the Bitcoin price was not reached, although the end of the bear market, but he moved at least above the moving average of the last 200 weeks. This proved to be a sufficiently strong Support, so that thereafter the price of Bitcoin moving again sideways.

We should so have the MA200 in the weekly chart. The views on the above weekly chart teaches us something else: in addition to the already frequently-mentioned MA20 in the weekly chart should be at the current rate, the MA140 levels be observed as a fundamental Resistance. A sustained Rise above the MA140 was the end of 2015, the harbinger of the coming bull market. So we look at this character!

What should we do? To survive in the bear market,

Actually, the same lesson as in so many other situations in life: keep calm applies in a bear market. An overheated sale leads only to the hair, for God’s sake. Over a year ago I wrote about the Mindset that you should be on the market. This is still true, as I also described in the bear market to 2018 the accompanying articles.

From the Investment point of view it is considered, in principle, two options, with the current bear market is finished: can be traders or long-time-be Investor. For the long-term Investor, the current Phase is, of course, exhausting. He sees how his Portfolio is shrinking and more and more loses value. He’s the one I recommend using Dollar-Cost-Averaging, or methods, such as Mayer-Multiple use and to deal with Portfolio theory. In the Kryptokomass we actively manage three different model portfolios, which we pursue the Portfolio in a Conservative weekly in a column.

One must note, however, that this Investment approach promises currently no short-term profit. For those looking for this, can Trading be attractive. The Trader uses the market movements and is happy currently in the market returned volatility. The falling prices have brought many a Shorter good money. Of course, it is for the Trader to be a challenge that he must stay on the Ball. Half-hearted Trade provides sooner or later for empty pockets. The Trading interested I can recommend at this point, only our weekly column about the Top 3 crypto currencies, in which our Analyst Thomas Hartmann of the trading school cryptographer who is Interested a look in his cards is revealed. the Addendum : Also to the recent share price fall, he has made a chart analysis:

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple – rate analysis KW47 Update – Is there a floor?

watch This Video on YouTube.

in Addition, I would like to put our Discord to the heart, in the #trading Channel you can exchange ideas with passionate traders. In frustrating times, when the prices of Bitcoin and other crypto-falling currencies, helping the exchange with like-minded people, to lose, in spite of the Winter, and a bear market in a good mood.