the Updates in Ethereum: The already several times shifted Hard Fork Constantinople is still to come in January 2019. The confirmed parts of the Ethereum development team at Ethereum Core Developer Conference on may 7. December.

By Phillip Horch
10. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

place three or not: Ethereum is a Blockchain-projects that developed, in spite of the bear market, and the winter mood of brave. The crypto-currency that expanded the Bitcoin universe to Smart Contracts, and the ERC20-Token in addition to the way to ICOs prepared, now wants to bring Block 7.080.000 a further turning point in the Ethereum-history to the Ecosystem. From there, it should be for users possible to choose to work henceforth with Constantinople. As soon as the Block will be for the first time, been dug out of the ground, is also the Upgrade is active. According to one of the developers, the between the 14 should. and 18. January to be the case, what he confirmed in the Ethereum Core Developer Meeting #51. Here is the whole

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting #51 [2018-12-06]

watch This Video on YouTube.

With Constantinople to the back, especially the Transition from the controversial Proof-of-Work-method to Proof-of-Stake method in the near future. This is to bring to the Ethereum network, mainly greater efficiency in the Consensus. In this context, the developers want to prevent that in the context of Ethereum with ASIC Mining devices, such as in the case of Bitcoin, increasingly used, is expected.

Ethereum course is located in the bear paws

The Ether-course, meanwhile, is still below the 100-US-Dollar-brand. Within the last 24 hours, he rose to tender 1.4 percent. In the 7-day review however, there are still nearly 17 percent, had the Ethereum course plug it in. So he is currently at 93 US dollars. The News seems to correlate here, sometimes only marginally, if at all, not with the course development. Apart from the current developments of the technology, there was in the Ethereum environment only recently, another big announcement. The University of Basel awarded the Ethereum inventor Vitalik Buterin just ten days to the doctor. Accordingly, he was representative of many in the crypto space for the first official crypto-doctor.