the from the Reports, the Securities and Exchange Commission in the last two years, against a total of 90 Bitcoin Scams. In the process, they were able to pay only a part of the victim. One of the biggest Scams of the authority, gnawing as before, is the case of fraud, BitConnect.

By Phillip Horch
28. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

There are not call just News, the Bitcoin Bullruns: The U.S. stock exchange supervision authority, the SEC has brought in the last two years, a total of 90 crypto-Scams on the track. Nevertheless, you could only pay back a fraction of the cheated money to the verprellten victims – so far, a total of 36 million US dollars. This is apparent from the Reports of the Wall Street Journal.

Bitcoin Scams are not always recognizable as such

. In the absence of clear guidelines and the anonymity of many crypto projects, it is sometimes difficult to identify Scams as such. Nevertheless, the authority was told the magazine that the repeated warnings by the SEC, as well as its strict approach signal have effect. So they expect that in the coming time, increasingly less Scams.

BitConnect provides the SEC continues to be a problem for

another Problem, especially for investors: The authorities were less, the money for the investors to get back, to bring their copyright case. So 36 million US dollars had been to investors will be paid back. Alone, in the case of fraud BitConnect is estimated to be a billion dollars lost. Here, too, the authorities determined, according to the report, however, the success were the prospects for the verprellten investors here, too, is rather poor. Some spokesman for the authority, as well as from the Wall Street Journal interviewed investors feared that the capital invested is lost.