the India toying with a legalization of Bitcoin & co., while the UK has no problems, crypto-currencies taxed. Meanwhile, punishes the FINRA Morgan Stanley, the Wall Street has taken a giant weak Anti-money laundering measures. The regulatory-ECHO of KW52.

By Christopher clover
31. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

India: Bitcoin on the way to legalization? , The harsh attitude of the Indian Central Bank to crypto-currencies may not be the last word in matters of crypto regulation in the subcontinent. The Indian government has set up a Committee to explore the conditions for the legalization of Bitcoin & co. Until February, the Committee wants to present to the Ministry of Finance first results.

FINRA punishes Morgan Stanley with the million penalty from the

That Criminals use currencies, especially Crypto, if you want to launder money, is a long-refuted preconception. Money launderers prefer to keep the dollars in the Hand than the Bitcoin in the Wallet and in the Bulk is still the traditional banking channels. If the banks operate a lax Anti-money laundering policy (AML), the safecracker. Exactly which accused the Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley of the US financial regulatory authority FINRA. Accordingly, among other things, the automated AML monitoring system of the Bank did not take into account, among other critical data, so that transactions in a total amount of several tens of billions of US dollars will be handled under the AML Radar of the Bank. Sensitive way also numerous transactions in and out of countries affected, which attest to an increased risk of money laundering. Because of this and other negligences, the FINRA has ordered Morgan Stanley to pay a fine of ten million dollars.

Although Initial Coin apply Offerings as innovative financing vehicles, have taken care of many Scams and regulatory uncertainties for significant reputational damage in the case of ICOs. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) are planning the introduction of a transparent set of rules for Fundraising by ICO. The securities and markets of the UAE would like to create the appropriate conditions until the middle of 2019, according to The National on 24. December.

The Queen holds the Hand of the

At the UK’s customs and tax authority Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) need to develop crypto-currencies, their Status as a means of payment. In the 19th century. December published Report highlights the HMRC your point of view, that it is in Bitcoin & co. to taxable property. Who gets paid in crypto-currencies, Mining, operates or Airdrops participate, must pay income tax and social security contributions.

SEC’s campaign: Scam-ICOs so far, moderately successful

The American stock exchange and the securities regulatory authority, the SEC has already announced for some time fraudulent ICOs the fight. After all, so far, 90 cryptography could be Scams thing. Something more sober of the two-year-balance sheet, when it comes to the compensation geprellter investors. With 36 million, the sum of the previously completed return expected refunds to pride; you, however, as a proportion of the total damage, this impression disappears. Alone the dubious notoriety Causa BitConnect has defrauded investors of nearly a billion US dollars. The SEC expressed to the Wall Street Journal, sceptical about the Chance of a full compensation for the victims.