the The Argentine journalists ‚ Union CISPREN and the NEM Foundation have partnered to develop a solution for copyright in the digital age. The basis for this is the NEM Blockchain.

By Christopher clover
8. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

introduced to the digitalization of The society and the media content, the copyright in front of new challenges. How can you can in a world, in Text, Audio, image, and video documents so easily can be changed, the concept of intellectual property. At the latest since the work of Stuart Haber and Scott Stornetta is known that cryptography can help provide data with a time stamp, a kind of digital fingerprint, of the copyright clearly specifies.

Also in journalism, the defence of intellectual authorship plays a growing role. Thus, the mass adaptation of the Internet has brought immense convenience for the research work. However, the growing speed of the dissemination of information simultaneously to an increasing Copy-and-Paste mentality. Fair enough, if the good of his sources. Still fair, if exclusive articles can be unequivocally your copyright associated with it.

such As Civil, just different

to connect The so far, probably the most prominent example, journalism and the Blockchain, the platform delivers Civil. This could already draw well-known cooperation partners such as Forbes to the country. The ICO of the CVL-Token is crashing failed, but Civil would like to record in February. The CVL-Token, which seems to have only Governance functionality should then be time – sold unlimited until all of the 38 million units that are out of print.

Argentine journalists now want to bring their content to the Blockchain. However, you want to make use of an already existing Blockchain: NEM. The NEM Argentina Foundation, together with the trade Union group for press and communication in Córdoba (CISPREN) signed a Declaration of intent. The NEM Foundation, told the Spanish-language version of the Cointelegraph.

NEM and CISPREN are now working on a common block chain-based solution for the protection of journalistic content. Therefore, each article should be stored on the Blockchain and a unique QR Code and a digital signature. To ensure authenticity, each publication in addition to a time stamp. Currently working on a Proof of Concept for the project.