the independent of the debate, what is the impact of Bitcoin funds on the crypto-market, the question arises of what role the individual jurisdictions. By default, on the United States, more specifically, looked at the Wall Street and the US securities SEC. This is not wrong per se, but also not timely and sufficiently differentiated. Why island Paradise can take, such as the Caribbean, have far more influence on Bitcoin-Fund as the Wall Street.

By Sven-servant to the
car At 11. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

without a Doubt, the USA is the leading and most important financial market in the world. Accordingly, it has established itself in the crypto-Economy, the views over the Atlantic ocean. If the US stock market regulator, the SEC, expressed, for example, Bitcoin ETFs and their approval, then will see. However, this focus can lead you to overlook developments in other key regions. Finally, the financial market adaptation of the crypto-Economy is a de facto global project.


underestimated A Trend that is not only true for the Blockchain technology, but generally in terms of digitalization and the economic relevance is true that Asia, particularly China, is becoming more and more important, while the US is losing tends to be important.

Now you don’t need to argue here that China offers, due to its restrictive policy, the degree of financial market opening, as it is in Western industrial Nations is common. A pioneering initiative in terms of Bitcoin ETF is not to be expected in the Land of the crypto-ban, definitely. However, Asia is more than China. Countries such as Singapore, South Korea or Hong Kong special administrative region are the linchpin of the global capital market transactions.

Japan is the third largest economy in the world plays here an important role and can shape the Evolution of the financial system. Accordingly, it is no coincidence that Bitcoin & co. in these regions, a particularly high relevance. A relevance of which we can dream of in Europe only.

Is the first Bitcoin ETF from Japan?

To fit this higher-level development that, according to information of news Agency Bloomberg, studies by the Japanese Financial regulator, the FSA, are employed, the turning to Bitcoin ETFs. How concrete they are, is yet still unclear. A timely approval is not for the FSA, however, is in question, how recently the authority was emphasized. Clearly, however, is that crypto-initiatives of large economic areas such as Japan have a great influence on the financial market interdependencies.

If individual countries or economic scamper rooms, then the pressure is also exerted on other countries. In the crypto area of the common phrase Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is also available in the international politics. The fear of other Nations suspended, promotes the ability to innovate by adapting to the regulatory framework. For a Nation like the USA it would be at least uncomfortable, if financial innovations in other Parts of the world.

today’s hedge Fund Islands are the crypto-guarantors of tomorrow

is Particularly fascinating in this context that the smallest jurisdictions and Offshore be able to places take massive influence on the global financial market. This is evident in the Cayman Islands, a deregulated tax haven in the Caribbean. Around 70 percent of all hedge funds worldwide are registered there. It is expected other tax havens such as the Bahamas or the British virgin Islands, then almost 90 percent of all global hedge home funds in tax havens. Means: A geopolitically supposedly completely irrelevant island group with the number of inhabitants of a small town can exercise greater influence in individual financial market areas as a whole continent.

On the crypto-market, this means a financial market innovations can be delayed, but not stopped. The more large jurisdictions under pressure to establish a regulated access to the crypto market, the more likely it is to be expected with financial products and services of deregulated financial markets. So it is not surprising that German Blockchain Start-ups have carried out your ICO is not in Germany, but in Liechtenstein, or Gibraltar.

Instead of only on the major financial centers and regulatory embellishments, should also find the small spots on the map of the world attention. In the financial market industry to the imagination, at least, no bounds and geographical borders to solve. Who knows? Maybe there will be the first crypto hedge funds of the Cayman Islands would not be surprised it.