the Bitcoin News: the crypto compare has collected meta-data from a total of 25 Blockchain news sites and 64.605 of the articles. The company has examined how the news has changed location in the last year. Some interesting results.
By Phillip Horch
21. January 2019BTC$3,527 were possible,78 -0.09%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail
Admittedly, The Blockchain and crypto news the area not to lose the Overview, is not to catch the lightest. The one or the other reader may have sometimes noticed. In contrast to mirror, time, world, or image, we have no Blockchain-press Agency, whose information we will use and/or interpret. This is not to say, however, that there is no News, quite the opposite: The flood of „News“ about Bitcoin can sometimes beaten to death. To filter it a news value, pushes some of the news producers to their limits.
nevertheless, there are some Trends that simply click „in“ – so little news value, some Statements may have, the more they seem to be of interest to you. Blockchain-gossip is simply trendy. As soon as a McAfee sees the Bitcoin exchange rate is completely unfounded in the case of a Million dollars or Roubini predicts again the Kryptokalypse; some opinions just seem to be more interesting than technological development. The comparison portal crypto compare the Blockchain-the news landscape, and analyzes what interested in crypto-readers. Here are the Trends to 2018.
comments-to-Bitcoin-Trading take is to
is The Trend – as already indicated – to the comment: gossip clicks. Named comments the Blockchain-Society for the Bitcoin price, but also market analysis stand tall in the (Bitcoin)price. So crypto compare notes about that, although rates fell overall, the number of comments and analyses in the year 2018 has increased significantly.
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Sponsored Posts and ICO-article ab
This is more likely to be surprised by: The number of ICO-articles and Sponsored Posts have taken off in 2018. You might recall in 2017: In times of ICO high phase there was hardly any air to breathe, so many new ICOs, promising projects and revolutionary technologies came out of the ground. But just as quickly as the air from the ICO-bubble escaped, just as quickly, the associated article on the relevant pages fell.
Bitcoin retains the dominance of
Actually, this news is likely to surprise you a little: in the Same way as in terms of market capitalisation, also messages keep on the topic of Bitcoin, the dominance in the news divisions of the scene. This may be due to the fact that „Bitcoin“ (also, this news platform will not speak of them freely), is sometimes taken simply as a Synonym for the entire scene. The fact behind this may be due to the fact that there is much to report: As a crypto currency number one, as the decentralized project par excellence, is here by (presumably) the highest Community and development work.
Mainstream article rise of
might That be mainly for the further expansion of our promising technology: the percentage of the „Mainstream-article on rose“ as a whole. In other words: The number of articles that have technological progress, is decreased.
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corresponds to the last: with a few exceptions, the number of Altcoin articles according to the crypto compare more or less of their market capitalization. So you can in currencies in the Ranking of the Crypto in about your (anti-zipiertes) interest in the readership transferred. There are two exceptions, however: Litecoin and Tether.
especially in the latter case, this may be due to the controversial nature of the Stable Coins – we reported on it in detail.