the The Blockchain makes it possible: censorship-resistant payments, Smart Contracts and automated company. The latter is in focus today. We will explore the opportunities and challenges of the Decentralized Autonomous organization – in short: the DAO.

By Alex Roos
22. January 2019BTC$3.573,60 1.11%Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin is the genotype of a DAO,“ says Biyan Mienert. No one is Lord of the Protocol, but Bitcoin managed somehow. Using block chains can also be specifically set up automated businesses. That is, the operations in the organization are predefined. And once the organization goes to encounter by itself. An application of this principle took place in BTC-ECHO Podcast already mention: Dash. So you don’t miss an episode, subscribe to the BTC-ECHO Podcast directly via Spotify, iTunes or your favorite Podcast App.

What are the biggest challenges of DAOs?

One of the first questions on the topic of DAO is certainly the legal situation. Because of the global nature of the Internet, and the Blockchain is international. DAOs sit on the national interests and policies of a government? How can intervention by government in the operations of a DAO? And in addition, what are the new security risks it brings a DAO?

image: Biyan Mienert

Biyan Mienert his doctorate at the University of Marburg, and is conducting research on this very subject. His insights he shares with us in the BTC-ECHO Podcast. Decentralized Autonomous Organisations have a lot of Potential, but they also bring a number of hurdles and challenges. Because: What happens if the architecture or implementation is faulty? An example of this is The DAO, the failed Experiment Ethereums.

also Read: Bahrain: University diplomas on the Blockchain from

show notes

article by Biyan

impunity in the case of Manipulation of the crypto market, we are a ICO-law


need the story of The first DAODAOStackAragon


lecture by Biyan on crypto-regulation (2018)



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