the In personal times of crisis, the really important, fundamental questions. What applies in Private, can also be on a Bitcoin transfer. So why Bitcoin? Why all the Hype surrounding crypto-currencies? We have stuck us in a little? This should serve as a little reminder of where some of the Strengths of Bitcoin are, and why he is important to us. If we withdraw a step and remind us of some of the Basics.

By Max Kuhlmann
9. February 2019BTC$3.643,04 4.30%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

A BTC course in crab invites you to call to mind the unparalleled advantages of the crypto currency no. 1 in the reminder – beyond the investment aspect.

1. The exclusion of third parties

Often, but still sometimes underestimated is the aspect of decentralization is called. Currently, no major Bank scandals floods our media. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the financial institutions seem to be somewhat trusted third party trusted to have parties strengthened. However, we do not forget what 2013 happened on Cyprus, when the banks moved in 30 percent of all savings deposits short-hand. And without the citizens. to warn in advance, let alone to ask. The confidence of Cypriots in the government and the banks has not paid off. In the case of a Bitcoin Wallet, this cannot happen. In the ideal case, no one has except the owner of the Private Keys to access it, since third parties are excluded from the outset.

2. Money without debt money creation

In the nature there are no Negative Apples-or-Minus bulbs. Since a majority of the outstanding Euros have been created through loans, however, there is for (almost) every Euro is also a „Minus-Euro“. Of a credit debt are thus of the other. If I have 1000 Euro on the account, accompanied me always this uneasy feeling to know that this money exists elsewhere as a debt. Even if the state does this representative, so he will have to redirect you in the end but to its Citizens-the citizens. Why else would they be called that. In Bitcoin, there is not the. If I have a Bitcoin on my Wallet, that does not automatically a Minus-Bitcoin for someone else. Because these are not created by loans, but by Mining.

also Read: Podcast: Bitcoin is not a financial instrument? The Berlin court of appeal versus BaFin

3. People without an account can on the monetary system part

escape How can the Poorest of the poor out of destitution? In some regions of the earth, it is for the residents impossible, to participate in the global economy, since they can simply open an account. No Bank would take this risk. Thus, this is not a Online can open up Shop and self-made Goods to Europe to sell. As should arrive, the money to you without an account ? Bitcoin could solve this Problem: Anyone can open a Wallet and transactions in all regions of the world to send and receive.

4. Global transactions with the same speed and fees

Admittedly, transaction fees and the speed are not necessarily the most glorious Chapter in the Bitcoin story. By the end of 2017, this has been clear, as you had when you Send Bitcoin, the choice between days or even a week long Wait or excessive transaction costs of up to € 100. Nevertheless, in „normal“ times: The money can be transferred without additional loss of time or additional costs abroad. This can not be said of remittances from abroad, on the part up to a week.

5. Protection against excessive money creation

The artificial limit at 21 million Bitcoin protects against Inflation, as a result, Bitcoin tends to be more valuable. An arbitrary inflation of the money supply and the associated currency devaluation can thus be prevented.

6. Bitcoin brings with it a discourse about the money system

Last but not least, Bitcoin has a number of important questions about the nature of our money directly into our living room. This seems to be a novelty in the recent history, in the traditionally a lot about the economy and politics was discussed, the money system was accepted often as inscrutable and almost God-given. But slowly the fog is clearing around money and questions of creation of money, the advantages and disadvantages of an inflationary or deflationary currency or interest rate interest rate and negative interest rate are discussed. This is also a merit of the Bitcoin and crypto-currencies, which presents us with a choice: Which currency is better? Digital crypto-currencies or Fiat currencies? What is the ideal currency? Alone the many crypto-currencies are a great playing field for financial theorists who want to design in a creative race, the money of tomorrow.

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we Retain the Strengths of Bitcoin in the back of the head

These important features, we should also keep in difficult market phases, and at every legitimate criticism of the Bitcoin in the back of the head. Because, behind this, the Vision of a better money system, not the promise of quick profits. Who uses Bitcoin, so as a pure Speculation, and only on the basis of his class a rating, does the Vision of Satoshi Nakamoto in the wrong. Nobody is claiming that Bitcoin is perfect. But he heralded the emergence of a new kind of money that we will, hopefully, benefit not only the financial level.

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