the Bitcoin is crisis-proof. And not only in terms of technological security. Because you do not necessarily require a Internet connection to send Bitcoin. How to send Bitcoin over the Radio.

By Phillip Horch
21. February 2019BTC$3.920,06 -0.95%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

There is likely to be the majority of the tech company, but then agreed that, Without the Internet we would be lost all pretty. Imagine the Chaos: not to mention massively reduced exchange of information, no Online Banking, of Pizza, which can be ordered quickly online. The infrastructure of MasterCard, Visa, SWIFT, and similar capital company is likely to quickly collapse as the Insta-Teens, and Snapchat Stars that shape our society.

Who would be in all the Chaos? Bitcoin. Because the crypto-currency that once was thrown under the Pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto by White Paper in the world, requires no Internet to function. Because there is an Alternative for the Sending of Bitcoin: the Radio.

If the world as we know it should collapse and you want to be prepared for all cases, then you should have a radio receiver and a Computer in your Apocalypse Kit pack.

How do I send Bitcoin over the Radio?

To do this, follow these steps:

Radio-receiver set. To do this, you have to catch the right wave. As we learn from Rob Stiles, the Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS) with the frequencies are 151.82, 151.88, 151.94, 154.57 or 154.60 MHz.Computer with speaker and microphone equipment to install the following programs:FLDIGI and FLWRAPBitcoin Armory, bitcoin Core

Read block stream published: Blockchain Explorer Software, Esplora

Then you have to configure the programs and wait a few days until you have synced with the Bitcoin network. (Important tip: you should do all this before the Internet goes down. A Download of the respective programmes should be otherwise than difficult).

another way Twitter users Coinsure reported. He used a mobile antenna of GoTenna, and the crypto-Wallet samourai wallet. As a result, he managed at least to send his Bitcoin transaction is over a distance of 12.6 kilometers:

To the moon: Bitcoin via satellite to send

Next to the radio waves you can send BTC, but also via satellite. Accordingly, block stream offers with your Satellite API a way to send the crypto-currency also.

Nevertheless, Just Bitcoin over the Radio or satellite to send, is not very easy. Certainly not, if one has not prepared for a Shutdown of the Internet. On the other hand, the crypto-currency offers a way for crisis-stricken countries such as Venezuela and Zimbabwe, protect you from any restrictions imposed by the government. Bitcoin makes it possible.

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