the in Spite of the supposed crypto-winter, the Bitcoin is fundamental in many ways as good as never. Many of the Charts show that the Bitcoin Ecosystem is growing, regardless of the price, some areas high show even an all-time high. The course development for Value investors a Chance to Buy back in?

By Max Kuhlmann
On the 25. February 2019BTC of$3,800,89 -0.40%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Value-Investing is a value-oriented investment style. A value-oriented Investor informed basic, fundamental, and regularly on the strength of its security. Based on these data, he is convinced of the long-term success about his favorite stock, which is why he uses price Weakness to purchase. What is called in financial jargon, pompous „Value Investor“, is roughly equivalent to what Slang is in the Bitcoin-a Hodler. And currently is again a typical time for Hodler, which is why we would like to take a look at some fundamental data of the Bitcoin toss.

There’s never been so many Bitcoin ATMs (ATMs)

The number of Bitcoin ATMs shows itself unimpressed by the course development and is increasing continuously. Clear frontrunner the United States, with over 2,400 ATMs the majority of the world’s Bitcoin ATMs are. In the last year has doubled the number of. Canada follows with a little over 600 ATMs, followed by Austria (about 270 ATM), the UK (just over 200) and Australia (51). All the above-mentioned countries show an upward trend. Worldwide, the number of Bitcoin ATMs has doubled since January, 2018, within one year in the beginning of 2018, it was 2,000 ATMs, in January 2019, there were already over 4,000. Here Bitcoin high is at an all-time.

So many Lightning-Nodes as never before

The number of Nodes of the Lightning Networks is also as high as never before. Since the middle of last year has doubled the number of Nodes is more than and now stands at over 3,000. Also, there were never as many payment channels as it is today: The number has risen since July 2018 from about 300 to over 1,800.

transactions per day, rising rapidly and falling fees

in another article we pointed to the increasing transactions per day. These are not on your all-time high by the end of 2017, to approach this but. The difference at the time The transaction fees and the speed does not seem to suffer. On the contrary, the cost per transaction will continue to be. In the statistics, not the transactions with the Lightning Network.

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more and more Bitcoin Wallets

Also, the number of Bitcoin Wallets increases steadily. Currently, there are about 32 million Bitcoin Wallets. This leaves only the return due to the conclusion on the actual number of Users, since many users create multiple Wallets – however, it is unlikely that the new Wallets are derived exclusively from existing users.

off-exchange trading course is takes to

The Bitcoin-how in the business is usual, by supply and demand. On the crypto-exchanges hardly increasing demand for Bitcoins is observed, which is why the price is stagnant. In OTC trading, but with a different look. On the platform about Bitcoins outside of crypto-exchanges. The traded Bitcoins will not affect the official rate, sites like to access them. In the case of these OTC platforms, the demand is rising, however. To observe is that, in particular, South American countries – have been used in BTC, presumably to protect against Inflation – strong growth. With ever increasing demand, the market will be undermined at some point and you will have to rely on the trading exchanges to acquire Bitcoins. This, in turn, must inevitably influence the Bitcoin rate.

Hash Rate remains constant or slightly rising

Also, the Hash Rate has plummeted in the bear market, but has stabilised at a high Level of 40,000,000 Terahash per second. Overall, the increase in Hash lagged behind the Rate of the course: During the course recorded its Peak in December 2017, has experienced high is the Hashrate in the summer of 2018 you all the time. The development of the Hash Rate for a short-waste in the fall of 2018 constant to increasing.

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Nevertheless, Public Bitcoin interest is correlated, apparently, especially with the course

All of the above statistics coincide only to a very limited extent with the course development. During this 2017 is apparently caught in a bubble, rose in a lot of fundamental values constant and relatively steady growth rates. The often negatively perceived rate of development is deceptive, however, in the public perception of Bitcoin on this fact.

shows how Google Trends, attracts mainly the value of the Bitcoin to the General interest – with the Bitcoin price chart and the Graph that visualizes the Google Search of the word „Bitcoin“, look remarkably similar.

in this respect, attest to the Bitcoin, in many respects, a positive fundamental development that must have an impact if it lasts, sooner or later in the course. The public perception, however, suffers under the shadow of the bubble by 2017.

The stock market legend Warren Buffet said: „Value investing is simple, but not easy.“ Many of Hodler are likely to feel these days, what is meant by that. However, there is no reason to hang the head, because the View of much of the data shows that Even if it goes slowly, something is brewing.

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