the One of the Fidelity-commissioned survey shows that more and more institutional investors want to expand your Portfolio with Bitcoin & co. More than one in five has already invested in digital Assets.

By Christopher clover
4. May 2019BTC$5.806,00 1.24%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The institutional interest in digital Asssets such as Bitcoin grows. This was the result of a from the investment company Fidelity commissioned a survey. About 400 institutional investors were asked about their attitude towards digital Assets. Among the respondents, among other things, Family Offices, hedge funds (crypto and classic), pensions and pension funds.

Of these, gave 22 per cent, to be already in some Form in the digital Assets invested. In the case of a predominant part of the investment within the last three years. 40 per cent, however, to be able to investment within the next five years to introduce.

a Total of 47 percent of the respondents think that digital Assets for a meaningful part of an Investment portfolio. As the preferred type of investment and investment products that keep digital Assets have done it. Nevertheless, 57 percent of the crypto-interested Institutional holds the direct purchase of Bitcoin & co. for the most attractive Form of Investments.

The low correlation between digital Assets and the traditional market exerts on 46 percent of large investors, their biggest attraction. Particularly convinced of Bitcoin & co. the groups of financial advisors and Family Offices. 74, respectively, 80 percent see the characteristics of digital Assets on the most positive.

We have seen that the interest in digital Assets of Early Adopters, such as crypto-hedge Fund, has grown to traditional institutional investors such as Family Offices and foundations. More institutional investors to engage directly or via service providers with digital Assets, because the potential impact of Blockchain technology on the financial markets – new and old – more and more clearly,

Tom Jessop, President of Fidelity’s Digital Assets.

Bitcoin: Even in the case of Millennials in high demand

That, however, can inspire not only large investors, but also to a broader sample of the population of the USA for Bitcoin, has recently revealed a survey of the crypto-investment company Blockchain Capital. It revealed that almost half (48 percent) of 18 – to 34-Year olds in ten years, most of the people in Bitcoin are going to use. In addition, 42 percent of Millennials have demonstrated a willingness to buy within the next five years Bitcoin. The Bitcoin interest of the younger U.S. population exceeds their willingness to participate in the traditional stock market speculation.

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