For the for over a year the ongoing process between the Ira Kleiman and Craig Wright is no end in sight. Wright is the claim by the court of its Bitcoin addresses known, not complied with. The 1.1 million Bitcoin are included in a trust Fund, in the so-called Tulip Trust. Who has access to it, is a mystery.

Max Halder
At the 2. July 2019BTC$10.466,00 -1.33%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

gets Hardly a figure in the crypto-Space more media attention than Craig Steven Wright. The alleged conman from Australia digs an action after the other from, all of which have to do with his Claim „I am Satoshi Nakamoto!“ to. Nobody knows who hides behind the Pseudonym really.

Wright is not afraid, however, no expense or effort to make attention. So he is for defamation of character in court against Binance CEO Zhao, Ethereum founder Buterin and Bitcoin Influencer Peter McCormack, the procedure. However, he is made in February of 2018 in the process. The heirs of his former friend and business partner David Kleiman accuse him to have 1.1 million in Bitcoin stolen.

Where is the purse?

Ira Kleiman, brother of Dave Kleiman, claiming that Wright should have with Kleiman from 2009 to 2011, the 1.1 million Bitcoin gemint. Half of these calls Ira Kleiman Wright. In theory, this sounds like no big deal. At today’s exchange rate, the Bitcoin would be a good $ 11 billion value. Even if Wright would give the half of it, would he not a poor man.

So open it up Wallet, Bitcoin, get out, Wallet close. The judge Beth Bloom, who had arranged probably thought that Wright should disclose his Bitcoin addresses. In the decision it was said that he should list the Bitcoin, he has owned up to the 31.12.2013,. The Problem, apparently, is that the Bitcoin is stuck in the so-called Tulip Trust, the Wright no access.

mystery Tulip Trust

In an Interview from the 5. May 2016, appeared on tries to Aaron Van Wirdum to find out what the Tulip Trust, and what is the function of Craig Wright has: of illumination, no trace. The Respondent, Joseph Vaughn Perling replied cryptically and evasively. The early correspondence between Kleiman and Wright apply.

I pulled Dave into the whole thing, because he was a friend and forensic expert. I wanted to eliminate any connection by me to Bitcoin,

so Wright in court. He wanted to distance himself at the time, apparently, of Bitcoin, as he had been associated with the criminal environment in connection. This no longer seems to be interested in him today, however. Where does this u-turn comes, remains incomprehensible. Maybe it’s since the beginning of his Claims „I am Satoshi Nakamoto“ only to claim ownership of this largest Wallet. The Tulip Trust is reminiscent of a kind of Multi-Signature Wallet, the only agreement of several parties, Bitcoin can be moved. In previous hearings, there was talk of a „Blind Trust“. Whether this Blind Trust is identical with the Tulip Trust, also remains unclear.

Apparently, Kleiman was in the possession of the Private Keys, but in addition, there has been also others who had it. Similarly, contradictory and cryptic as the above-mentioned Interview, the pre-stay questions raised:

to have A company that you have not bought before 2014, is part-owner of the trust assets, which they claim, in 2012, placed?

asks Velvel Freedman, a lawyer by Kleiman. The judge, Bruce Reinhart sums up with the following question to the Tulip Trust assets:

So you know since 2016, that you do not have access to the documents and that will be until 2020? And you knew that it was only in February or March of 2019?

Wright Satoshi?

from these questions you can be really smart. So far it was not possible to Wright in any case, to move the Bitcoin out of this 1.1 million BTC with a heavy Wallet, what is to be considered as proof for the real Satoshi Nakamoto. Also the late Dave Kleiman is you can no longer move. In the Treaty paper of the Tulip Trust, the 1 is. January 2020 given on this day, all tied Bitcoin to be returned to Craig Wright. We will have to wait a year and a half, until Wright the evidence can provide.

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