wash The new Anti-money-policies of the EU, the Netherlands is Holding. Now new Details about the Dutch implementation of the Directive are known.

4. September 2019BTC$10.395,17 -2.58%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

10. January 2020 to Bitcoin, a Dutch company, stricter regulations under the throw. Because, as the Central Bank of the West informs European state in a communiqué, fall „Bitcoin exchanges and Custody company under the supervision of the Nederlandsche Bank.“

The change in the law is a direct consequence of the new Anti-money laundering Directive, adopted by the EU later this year. The member States are now required to the Directive in its national law.

The justification of the new regulations reads almost generic: The Central Bank should keep money laundering and terrorist financing. Although Bitcoin & co. for the financing of illegal activities are completely inappropriate, the alleged stubbornly.

[crypto-companies] must be able to demonstrate that they have implemented processes, money laundering and the financing of terrorism prevent,

it is said in the message.

The new Anti-money laundering Directive of the EU requires the member States for the first time, explicit regulation of crypto Exchanges and depositaries, which are called Custodians. The implementation leads to designs by the different States, sometimes in significantly different act, in particular, shows a view to the East. Because, like BTC-ECHO already reported, puts the Czech Republic in contrast to Germany on Repression. Companies that operate in the crypto sector, and registration as such, fail to, threaten to, according to the draft law, fines in the amount of 500,000 euros.

In Germany as soon as the BaFin is responsible

Meanwhile, in Germany a conciliatory design.

In the guest post comments, Dr. Sven Hildebrandt of DLC Distributed Ledger GmbH:

Overall, the government’s draft, the Chance of Germany as an attractive market for digital investments with high security and position Supervisory standards. Noteworthy in this connection is that the Federal Finance had announced that the Ministry together with the Federal Ministry of justice and consumer protection in may, to make way for digital bonds free.

One of the most important innovations in the legislation in this country is a Change of the duty of supervision. Because starting next year, crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, will apply the values as a so-called crypto. New Supervisory authority for companies working with crypto values: the BaFin.


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