The analysis platform, Crystal conducted a study on the global trade in crypto-currencies. The Report for the years 2013 – 2019 according to the United States and the United Kingdom are the most registered Bitcoin exchanges. Hong Kong and Singapore are not surprisingly particularly active in the Bitcoin trade. One-tenth of the stock exchanges could not be assigned to any state.

From Polina Khubbeeva
13. September 2019BTC$10.304,79 -0.09%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The analysis of the Institute of Crystal and published on 9. September, a study with the title „Report to the international Bitcoin Flows, 2013-2019“. That is the scientific Arm of the crypto-company Bitfury examines the international Dimension of the Bitcoin trade.

The Crystal study found that the countries with the most registered crypto-exchanges in the UK, the USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. Meanwhile, the Report accounted for as a „stock market poorest“ countries of Argentina, India, Mexico, Russia and Indonesia.

in 2013, were also held 96 percent of all Bitcoin transactions between stock exchanges in the countries of the G20 group (as well as Hong Kong and Singapore). 2018 there were, however, only 70 per cent. This decline can meanwhile, conclusions on the distribution of Bitcoin flows. The trading of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies is expanding, so international, and is thus in poorer regions, increasing in popularity. The only G20 countries not included Crystal in the study are Saudi Arabia and South Africa, because in these countries there are no registered stock exchanges.

Crystal Report identified nearly 10 percent, „stateless“ purses [display] buy Bitcoin with the Bitwala account. Why have a Bank account with Bitwala? A Bank account is “Made in Germany” with protection of deposits up to 100,000 euros; 24/7 Bitcoin trading with faster liquidity; trading only ‘real’ Bitcoin has no financial derivatives such as CFDs; Secure users of lift-off control of the Bitcoin Wallet and the private key; With the contactless Debit Mastercard worldwide, and pay.

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furthermore, there is also apparently a not insignificant proportion of stock exchanges, the Crystal could be attributed to any country. This „stateless“ exchanges have no clear country of registration.

a Total fraud, the entire Bitcoin trading volume, which was exchanged between the crypto-exchanges, in the year 2018, at 92.6 billion dollars. Of exchanges sent in G20 countries and their partners themselves to 65.1 billion US dollars.

Since 2014, the United States are also consistently the country with the highest received Bitcoin amounts per year. Crystal, according to the crypto-exchanges in the United States, however, are apparently more powerful and operate with larger amounts.

the results of The Crystal study with regard to the forthcoming regulation of crypto currencies interesting. Because the Leaders of the G20 countries announced in a statement after the G20 summit in Osaka recently, their regulatory plans. Accordingly, the leaders of the 20 most influential industrial Nations of the world currently see no acute risk to international financial stability. In addition, technical innovations provide important contributions to a strong world economy.


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