The price of Bitcoin moves for quite some time sideways. The 10,000-US-Dollar mark seems to hold so far. However, investor dreams of high yield, while the scene is in summer sleep. Of these, 5 events, investors expect signals for the Bitcoin price.

By Phillip Horch
14. September 2019BTC$10.309,81 -0.27% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

to predict there’s No question that The Bitcoin rate history exactly, is extremely difficult. Forecasts are often inaccurate indicators difficult to understand, and so-called analysts, the black sheep cavort again and again. However, there are some events of which investors hope for a signal effect and are intended to influence the Bitcoin rate significantly. The 5 most important events that can affect BTC.

1. Gateway drug Bitcoin ETF

The Fund Manager VanEck does not get tired to convince the US securities and exchange Commission of its Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) for the largest crypto currency by market capitalization, to allow. When that happens, the hope of many Kryptonauten, it is inevitable that the landing on the moon. Because a BTC ETF, the narrative, signaling to the crowd a certain degree of security (through the approval of the authorities) and simplifies currencies get started in Crypto. The effect: the broader the mass, the entering BTC & co., the higher the price of Bitcoin. Currently it looks way better than a year ago: Jay Clayton of the SEC had recently announced that have improved the conditions.

2. Futures: Bitcoin-rate-driver with 2 faces,

It is concrete. Because, in contrast to the previous potential Bitcoin price drivers there are for BTC Futures of Bakkt already has a date: the 23. September. From there, it is for investors to buy physical BTC futures contracts. In the past, the controversial landing vehicle had already had an influence on Bitcoin Price development. The thing has a hook: It can go both ways – for both a price drop as well as a Bull Run can stand with the Futures before.

3. Global recession: crypto-currencies as a safe haven [display] buy Bitcoin with the Bitwala account. Why have a Bank account with Bitwala? A Bank account is “Made in Germany” with protection of deposits up to 100,000 euros; 24/7 Bitcoin trading with faster liquidity; trading only ‘real’ Bitcoin has no financial derivatives such as CFDs; Secure users of lift-off control of the Bitcoin Wallet and the private key; With the contactless Debit Mastercard worldwide, and pay.

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Warren Buffett, is sure: we are in a recession threatens in the coming year. In other words: The global economy is bleeding. To primarily have to do with the trade war between China and the United States together. The (morally objectionable) the hope of many investors: crypto-currencies are used here as an additional Investment, in order to protect the portfolio prior to the recession. Here is the law of supply and demand: If more people turn to crypto currencies increases, so does the price of Bitcoin.

4. Halving: Half of the reward in the case of a high Bitcoin price

BTC Creator Satoshi Nakamoto has created Bitcoin deflationary. This means that the maximum amount is set to a total of 21 million BTC. Another Feature: The Reward, so the reward for the „miners“ of Cryptocurrency, is halved at regular intervals. In other words: BTC is a scarce commodity. In the past, each Halving drove the Bitcoin price in the height. The next Halving is expected to occur on 10. June 2020. That history repeats itself, however, can guarantee no-one.

5. UK: Bye Bye EU, Hello BTC!

pleased Yet so, a possible engine for the Bitcoin course that is not all: the Brexit. The United Kingdom through the exit from the European Union, has vast consequences for the UK. In the financial markets, the view that the UK will be in the long term, the Shorter reigns here – the (economic) benefits of membership should outweigh the. The possible consequence: The British pound crashes, the English turn to Alternatives. For Example, Crypto-Currencies. And? The price of Bitcoin is increasing.


Bitcoin price, according to the „analysis“ soon, when 300,000 US-Dollar Bitcoin rate-driver: ETF closer to Bitcoin is slowly dominated by crypto-market – rate more than 10.000 US-Dollar#Bitcoin price#Bullish#Listicle