Fake QR-Codes in the case of Bitcoin, daring rate forecasts, a near return of the ETF and thin air for Ripple: The Newsflash.

By Phillip Horch
15. September 2019BTC$10.299,42 -0.04%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Welcome to the Newsflash. The Top Bitcoin and Blockchain News of the past week.

Bitcoin QR Codes: 4 out of 5 are fake

Sounds tempting. Quickly go online, a QR Code to a Bitcoin Wallet, create, and Buy and Sell the crypto-currency. The Problem of the matter: In the case of Online generators for the practical Code of a lot of fast and loose is driven. Because, as an analysis revealed that four of the five generators are fake. Behind the hackers who want to enrich themselves at the BTC of other hide. So: Watch Out!

Bitcoin price, according to the „analysis“ soon for $ 300,000

Since you have to beat back the crypto-analysts have developed a new metric, the Bitcoin price predict. The evaluation of the analysts: the price of The largest crypto currency by market capitalization may soon be between 30,000 and 300,000 US dollars. How do the three in the Bitcoin exchange rate has not been determined. Nevertheless, the reason to feel the analysts on the Tooth.

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) for BTC getting closer

Tedious VanEck & co. feed your ongoing negotiations with the U.S. securities and exchange Commission have so far been funded although a non-event-a-days. However, an authorisation is slowly coming closer. The statements of Jay Clayton suggests that, at least. Because the Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) says that there is already progress has been made. The Blockchain Ecosystem is still not safe enough. Nevertheless, it has done something.

Bitcoin Futures of Bakkt: Warehouse opened a Large Coinmengen in the circulation [display] buy Bitcoin with the Bitwala account. Why have a Bank account with Bitwala? A Bank account is “Made in Germany” with protection of deposits up to 100,000 euros; 24/7 Bitcoin trading with faster liquidity; trading only ‘real’ Bitcoin has no financial derivatives such as CFDs; Secure users of lift-off control of the Bitcoin Wallet and the private key; With the contactless Debit Mastercard worldwide, and pay.

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The opening of the BTC-warehouse of Bakkt went hand in hand with the movement of large amounts of Bitcoin. While Bakkt allowed for initial deposits, were suddenly 94.504 units of the crypto-currency movement. Whether this flowed all into the Warehouse of Bakkt has yet to be established. The circumstances of the opening of the Warehouses, however.

It will be tight for Ripple: SWIFT is working on payment channel

Anyone who deals with Ripple, XRP & co., is notice: Ripple has chosen is not an easy business environment. To conquer the international payment traffic with your own tokens is not an easy task. A main competitor is SWIFT. And has announced last week to expand its product range. It will be tight for Ripple.


Why Bitcoin SV to the Failure of The freedom of expression ECHO The Top Bitcoin and Blockchain News of the week In focus: ECB sees potential in stablecoins – The-regulatory-ECHO#expression-ECHO#Newsflash#Regulierugs-ECHO is doomed –