The crypto phenomenon is a global phenomenon. Public Blockchain networks are controlled neither by the state nor by companies. Rather, they connect a wide variety of people across national borders.

Pascal Hügli
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But of all the non-centrality, in Spite of States seek to create points of contact to national interests and jurisdictions in order to provide the decentralized Blockchain technology of a home. Above all, Switzerland. At the beginning of 2018, the then Minister of economic Affairs Johann Schneider-Ammann announced the „crypto-Nation Switzerland“. Universities, industry and government, he continued to shape the small country one of the world’s main crypto-locations.

Bitcoin, in Switzerland – An inventory

Since this call has done a lot of things. According to the „Top 50 report“ of the investment company Crypto Valley Venture Capital, short CV, VC, the Swiss crypto scene has to show the following impressive Figures: In the first six months of the year 2019, the Top-50-Blockchain-companies were able to double their valuation of 20 billion to a total of 40 billion US dollars. Be counted in this emerging area of now more than 800 companies, which will employ more than 4,000 employees.

in Addition, six Unicorns Start – ups in the value of more than a billion dollars have their headquarters in the Swiss Crypto Valley. The latest highlight was the scene at the end of August said: With the Sygnum AG and Seba Crypto AG, Switzerland as the first Nation ever two officially by the competent Regulator approved cryptographic banks. Also, the Bitcoin Suisse AG has applied for in July, a Bank and securities dealer license. Other crypto-financial service providers, such as the Crypto Finance AG, Lykke, Token Suisse, Bity or the Swiss Crypto Exchange are also active in Switzerland.

The financial space is a new life

crypto-banks, so the banks in the future, should the Swiss financial centre to new heights and help. This, it seems to be not very well ordered. The value added of the Swiss financial sector without insurance has fallen in the last ten years from 47 billion to 30 billion, while the total gross domestic product has increased from 576 billion on 668 billion Swiss francs.

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the Swiss stock market with less-than-satisfactory Pay attention. The number of listed securities is steadily decreasing. The model of a public company is on the retreat. 40-listed companies came ten years ago to a Million inhabitants, so there are now less than 30.

anyone Who wants to bring his company to the stock exchange, need to Publicity, a number of rules and accounting standards to meet. The Excess of pads will cost tons of money and power the world of investing more and more to an exclusive event for large investors. And even companies that are already listed on the stock exchange, wasting a quarter of their time with exchange bureaucracy, the estimates of a study by 2018, the consulting firm Partners Group. Regulatory measures to protect investors against the risk, protect them, unfortunately, in front of the return.

thanks to the Blockchain technology, some of the Expo have drawn the ducks for the battered Swiss banking and financial centre of hope. The Zug-based company Alethena trying to get shares on the Blockchain. In particular, small and medium-sized companies will benefit from this development. In General, the Swiss financial centre, thanks to innovations around this new technology without the with a laughing and crying eye ends of assessed Bank secrecy to continue to exist, and in the not-too-distant future, even his actual Renaissance experience.

crypto-Nation: A contradiction to the Bitcoin Narrative?

For many, Bitcoin and Blockchain enthusiasts, Switzerland is a good example of how a state and the new, decentralised world to cooperate and benefit from one another. Others, however, the crypto-anarchist Foundation see betrayed, on the the crypto-world is based. It’s up to them, fit the technology, not to bring the troubled banks back on track. Bitcoin was started, you and your money Creator and God game put me the craft, so the currency of the Bitcoin Revolutionary.

That the Latter have a point, is not to deny. So much of Switzerland in the crypto world is open to so much the efforts of many crypto-financial service providers to show: Fiat money and crypto-Assets that do not fit together actually. A regulated Swiss banking sector is compatible with a decentralized block chain world. With this contradiction, the crypto-Enthusiasts on a daily basis face.

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What to do? For crypto-enthusiasts of the first hour of it, the unbearable contradictions of means, associated with the indispensable professionalization and monetization of the sphere. In the sense of a real discovery process, it is necessary to find out where pragmatic concessions needed to Realpolitik, but also uncompromising implementation of the crypto-origin idea to enforce.

About the author

about The author: Pascal Hügli Journalist of the financial media AG in Zurich is. For years, he has worked intensively with the topic of Bitcoin, Blockchain and crypto, and also occurs as a Moderator and speaker. Many of his basic thoughts on the subject are to be found in the recently released crypto-book „Ignore at your own risk – the new decentralized world of Bitcoin and the Blockchain“.


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