The day of the crc in Swedish law. The united nations general assembly adopted the convention on the rights of the child for more than 30 years ago. It was a milestone in the realization of children’s rights around the world.

and Now to take an historic next step, where the crc becomes law. The expectations of what it will mean is a lot of. It is about the rights of the child are met and that the child should be given a good upbringing. Children do not go to repeat, it is in the here and now.

In Sweden, there are an estimated 200 000 children who live in families where there is domestic violence. More and more families are living in precarious boendesituationer. The children who are in care are at risk of falling behind in school and have fewer opportunities to build a successful future. And despite the fact that the community has worked a lot with child-friendly, we listen to you, not the child, in the manner to which they are entitled.

in order to ensure that children’s needs are being met. The convention is clear that children have a right to protection from violence, the right to education and the right to social security. The crc also states that children should be allowed to express their opinion and be heard, a right which is very important for both the individual child and to create a better community for all of the children. A key principle of the convention is that “ in all actions concerning the child should be taken into consideration, which is deemed to be in the child’s best interests.

the Crc is added it does not happen overnight but is the result of more than ten years of negotiations and discussions between the countries of the world. The process of producing the crc challenged the view of children, and the proposals are restricted in some sections of both the state and the legal guardian’s authority over the children.

It was far from clear that an international legally-binding agreement would be reached. Now, thirty years later, the crc, the european convention on human rights, which most countries in the world have committed themselves to adhere to. In all countries, except the united states, behind the convention.

the ratification of the crc. With the ratification of the was the parliament and the government have a responsibility to ensure that its national law complies with the convention’s articles. In addition, state and local government agencies, as well as the courts, have the obligation to, so far as it is possible to interpret the Swedish legislation in such a way as to bring it into conformity with the convention.

However, despite the fact that it’s been almost 30 years since it ratified the convention of children’s rights have not been adequately reflected in the decision-making processes concerning the child. The sight of the children and the way children are treated by the authorities not based on the fact that the bearers of their own rights.

It has become especially apparent when children are in vulnerable situations and unable to stand up for their rights, for example, children who are victims of domestic violence, are homeless, or are affected by trafficking in human beings, exploitation and sexual abuse. In some cases, the föräldrarätten stronger than the rights of the child, which means that the children have been given help and support when their parents are opposed to the actions of the social services.

the crc on January 1, 2020, the Swedish team, after so many years of work. This means that it will be clear that the courts and the legal profession should take into account the rights of the child in cases involving children. With the convention that the law is also emphasised that the children are the bearers of their own rights, which can lead to the result that it is more of a child’s rights-for example in the public sector.

That the convention will become law does not mean that the fulfilment of the rights of the child has been delivered. On the contrary, this is a job that needs to be carried out each and every day of all those who meet children in their daily lives and decision-making, which is related to an individual child or having an impact on the lives of children in general.

We must also continue to identify other legislation that we should, in particular, to highlight the rights of the child, or, where necessary, legislative changes, in order to strengthen the position. For example, the social services have increased capacity to provide support to children and young people who are in distress, even without the consent of the custodian. We also need to invest in the long-term in-school social services in the areas of socio-economic challenges, and to ensure that children and young people at risk receive early and co-ordinated action.

the need to continue. Then, in 2017, the government has invested in an education initiative by the government, local government and the regions, in which the children’s Ombudsman has a key role to play. Agencies like the prison service, the Police and the public Prosecutor’s office will continue to have in 2020 will continue to strengthen the child rights perspective into their activities.

It has also been put forward as a guide as to how the crc should be interpreted and applied by the children’s Ombudsman has been mandated to disseminate and provide training in. State investigators are working to analyse how Swedish legislation and practice comply with the convention, and what are the gaps in the legislation, which will be reported to the government.

It may give important information on how we can further strengthen children’s rights in law in the future. The ombudsman for children has also been selected to be in 2020 to collect the case-law of both courts, both in Sweden and abroad in one database. In addition, central bureau of Statistics to continue collecting statistics about the children and their families.

the parliament has made a decision, which can have just as big an impact on children’s rights, such as the decision that the convention will become law. This is a historic step forward in order to satisfy the rights of the child, and to give all children a good upbringing. It is necessary, both for the children and for us as a society. For the children do not go to repeat, it is in the here and now.
