First, we would like to say that the alliance government during its eight years in power, the reduction of the Swedish emissions of greenhouse gases by 19 percent. Under the current government, has the decline come to a halt. The Swedish emissions excluding foreign shipments decreased by approximately 3.8 per cent between 2014 and 2018. On international shipments to be counted towards the increase in emissions in the same period, and by 2.0 per cent. Yet the fear Lövin, and Baylan, in his article, that it is the opposition’s policy, which will cost you precious time. This is a bit strange.
for Example, the fact that the government wants to encourage the growing forest industry, and to increase the availability of biomass resources. We should affirm that active forest management opportunities for capturing carbon dioxide and storing it in devices, such as solid-wood products. However, the Christian democratic party, which in the past has been handed down, I said ‚ no ‚ to the new high-speed rail. The goal should be that when these courses may be taken in the traffic, so by the year 2040? – will flight and other modes of transport, in essence, is transferred to a carbon-neutral operation; thus the climate impact of the project is minimal.
We have noted that the action plan does not include new funds for various purposes. The christian democrats, however, have in our budget already for the year 2020 of new or increased investments in the Green climate fund (gcf), electrification of heavy road transport, hydrogen production, biojetproduktion and carrying out research on environmentally friendly aviation.
I would also like to see more ambition when it comes to international operations, as well as initiatives in order to bring about a market environment for investment in carbon capture and storage (ccs).
Nuclear power is a carbon-neutral source of energy, which currently accounts for over 40 per cent of Sweden’s electricity production. The two reactors, Ringhals 2 and Ringhals 1 will, according to the government’s plans to shut down at the end of the year in 2019 and 2020 respectively. This is a decision which will lead to the deterioration of the effektbalans, and increased import demand for dairy products. The christian democratic party believes that the ability to conduct on nuclear reactors will be reviewed in a snabbutredning. Such an investigation must, of course, also have to take into account and shed light on the impact on the climate. The closure of these reactors will lead to an additional 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, about 15 per cent of the emissions. What, if anything, will cost you precious time.