“ Some of it has become so cracked that they started to cry. If the customer is rude or abusive towards to me, what is it that is saying that I need to “ have a nice day, then?

Evy Eriksson. For more than 45 years, she has worked in the retail industry. Today, she is also a steward of the retail chain City gross at Kungens kurva, outside Stockholm, sweden.

For example, she has met with clients who need help right away. Some of the shouts on the staff of several meters away, despite the fact that they are busy. Also, it happens that the returned items are defective. As the staff points out, it rushes you.

“ over The past few years, it has become more and more common. Sometimes it is of a purely personal, and people actually report it to the police there, “ she said.

the Researchers, Karin Villaume and Dan Hasson has received research funding in the Handelsrådet to the study of incivility and civility. The aim is to investigate how common it is for people.

The study of the links are to the employee’s health, such as stress. The project is ongoing until december of this year.

in any industry, but there is a great deal of interest in how it looks in the trade, “ says Karin Villaume, a research scientist at the Karolinska institute (KI).
Karin Villaume, a research scientist at the Karolinska institute (KI). Photo by: Ronnit Hasson
– Stress, anxiety, and a lesser commitment to the job. There are three main consequences, which previous studies have shown. 88 per cent of all employees said that the customers, the behaviour of abusive, in any way, in the present study, by 2016. 70 per cent had no training to deal with the problem.

In Canada, the researchers examined the ohövligheter at a local hospital. Both the patients and the colleagues who were responsible for the behavior. For the study, the introduced approaches in order to create a better working environment. The result? The sick leave rate decreased by 38 per cent.

„Among other things, provided for regular dialogue and training at the working level, the employees and managers took part in,“ says Karin Villaume.

this is a difficult question to answer, “ she says. Inter is without any purpose. For example, to that of his colleague, forgetting to greet you in the morning.

“ It doesn’t need to be in a bad intention. It can be as simple as that, my colleague was concentrated, and could not greet you. We need to think about how we are to behave in a social context, “ says Karin Villaume.

An old adage is that the customer is always right. ”Fiction,” according to Stefan Carlén. He is the chief investigator of the Swedish commercial employees ‚ union.

“ the employees in the store shall have the right to avoid the nuisance of customers. In the worst cases, it may be related to sexual harassment, or the threat of violence, “ he said. , Stefan Carlén, the chief economist and the chief investigator, representing the commercial employees union. Photo: David Bicho
19 percent of all handelsanställda have been the victim of sexual harassment at work. The act has been committed by someone other than a boss or co-workers, according to The latest statistics from the year 2018.

“ the Fact of the matter is that the staff is there to serve its customers. It can affect the way some clients choose to treat their employees. Some may consider themselves to be of more value, “ says Stefan Carlén.

Evy Eriksson thinks that the industry is working on a bit of a problem. The situation is similar to that of a treadmill, “ she says.

“ of Course, it may affect how often the staff sjukanmäler out. If someone is rude to us, they are usually left in the body afterwards. If there is another client in ten minutes later, the person, the less nice response, “ says Evy Eriksson.

“ I’m going to just leave. It’s not worth responding to rude customers, “ she says.
