„It is important to bear in mind that the products that we sell are not effective in protecting against airborne viruses, like the coronavirus,“ says the pharmacy’s presstalesperson the Magnus Well.

about 20 to 40 munskyddsförpackningar all over the country. In the world of sales to 160 packs. On Wednesday, the number was 350, and in the last 550. In the e-shop has masks come to an end, but a new power is on the way, according to Magnus, is Healthy.

“ in My view, is that it is related to the reporting of coronavirus.

the Masks, which are sold in the Pharmacy is primarily used to prevent the particles from leaving his mouth.

“ They are first and foremost intended for those of you who use them, not to infect someone else. They are manufactured in order to be used by, for example, to a dentist, “ says Crisp.

for more information, see the Virus continues to spread – is now available in eight countries.