It’s the Swedish form of government is based on the free formation of opinion and the right to vote. Freedom of speech is regulated in the constitution. A very strong protection in terms of the observations that fall within the freedom of the press act and the freedom of expression. The idea is that the rights are to cope with the occasional opinion, and to give the government a shot in the arm against the pressure of foreign powers.
During the second world war, under pressure of Nazi germany in order to compel Sweden to take action against the paper. The state’s neutrality should extend to the press at the time.
so, it would be possible to put in place förhandscensur that is not, in principle, been in place since before 1766. In addition the transport ban was, and konfiskationer.
the Government is enabled, for a 100-year-old provision of the freedom of the press act, which has never been used. Lagliket, making it possible for the government to confiscate all of the newspapers without due process, if a publication has caused a misunderstanding with a foreign power. The government was able to round it tryckfrihetsbrott should be tried in a court by a grand jury. Konfiskationerna primarily affected antinazistiska newspapers, magazines, books, and magazines. The scheme was opened to arbitrariness and lawlessness, as seen in a may not even know what it is.
This is the moment in history. What we should learn is how to kill the the letters than was felt to be of some exceptions, they were there in black and white in the constitution.
China is thinking and acting tactically in order to achieve the long-term goal is to get one and made it to Sweden. We hängmöras.
By 1949, the year before smith was strengthened for the protection of the freedom of åsiktsbildningen. The experience of the war, among other things, a distributionsplikt was introduced, and the possibility of confiscation of a newspaper, under pressure from a foreign power, were abolished.
. Instead, in order to strengthen what we might call the spiritual or the ideological preparedness, has been yttrandefrihetsgrundlagarna been a part of his strength.
It takes place in a situation in which some 15 countries, with China, Iran and Russia are in the lead pose a security threat to Sweden.
the security police chief Klas Friberg, note that the intensity of activity has increased in recent years. The same observation has to do the defence intelligence agency. The head of Must, of Lena Hallin, believe that democracy, freedom of expression, respect for the norms, and the law is subject to a strong pressure. All of the levers a country has at its disposal are used, such as cyber warfare, diplomatic and political pressure on them.
China’s actions are aimed not only and not even primarily, to achieve success, for the moment, in this specific case. It’s aggressive diplomacy on the Gui Minhai, is part of efforts to undermine the independence and self-respect. China is thinking and acting tactically in order to achieve the long-term goal is to get one and made it to Sweden. We hängmöras.
so Far, the government and the opposition, responded to the framstötarna to say that, in Sweden, is freedom of expression. So good, even if the motreaktionerna appears to be friendly, given that the attack takes place to form the bases.
. They are two of the most recent revisions of the yttrandefrihetsgrundlagarna in 2015 and 2019, however, is the place is very new, the weaknesses of the old.
the Possibility that, with the support of the constitution to reject the foreign state’s wishes in order to take of repressive measures against opponents of the regime in exile in Sweden, has been weakened.
Until January 1, 2019, it is not possible for the Swedish authorities to assist foreign states to take legal action against individuals or businesses that fall under the yttrandefrihetsgrundlagarna. The assistance of the police and the prosecutor’s office could only be granted if the request had an equivalent level of protection of freedom of expression. Rättsgrundsatserna in the yttrandefrihetsgrundlagarna as, for example, the freedom to disclose information, the condition of the juryprövning, and the prohibition of the blocking action could be maintained.
to this day, that in the area of international judicial assistance can be provided, as set out in the act. Put simply, it can be expressed in terms of the regulations left to the constitution and was the law in which it refers shall be deemed to be general principles of law.
Through an amendment to the 2015 was korrespondensskyddet. an Individual who provided information to a foreign correspondent, working in Sweden, in the past a level of protection, regardless of where the information was disclosed. This meant that the people in exile, protected by the anonymity, in accordance with the rules on whistle blowing. Of the day protection only if the information released here in Sweden.
the attorney-general may, in addition to the prosecution of these cases, even the threat of criminal prosecution.
when you say that a statement is older than one year, allows the publisher to get a discharge, if it is to be removed within the period of 14 days. There is an obvious danger to a repressive set JK, which is responsive to the government’s signals are going to be able to apply pressure in order to get rid of opinions, even if they do not reach the limit of what is punishable by law. It undermines the jurysystemet and utgivarskapets important.
for Some, may appear to be harmless, or even praiseworthy, but in a future, acquiescent, depressed, or principlös, the government can make use of them in order to overcome the opinions of domestic or foreign policy reasons, are considered to be inadequate.
the Remains of the mid-1800s indragningsmakt live in the freedom of the press act. It is also possible for the state to withdraw the certificate, in some cases, when the empire is at war.
The opening of the constitution makes it possible for the law to limit the foreign citizen’s freedom of speech , for example, a derogation from the freedom to disclose information or the right to be the publisher of a periodical.
the Right of access in its public disclosures, according to the principle regulated in the constitution and for all.“ the Limited access of non-nationals may not be anonymitetsrätten to be maintained.
breaching the freedom of expression of community radio can not only lead to the criminal prosecution of the individual opinion, but also that the sändningstillståndet be pulled out. is A form of yrkesförbud.
The state regulatory body for the broadcast media, the commission on radio and television, monitors the activities of what is said in the law, such as the need for democratic direction. , as Well as the terms and conditions relating to, among other things, objectivity, and impartiality of the judiciary by the government and the authorities concerned, decide whether the broadcasting licenses. Such a restriction, and the control of the state is foreign to the English tryckfrihetstraditionen.
the Gaps in the distributionsplikten means that postal administrations to refuse to distribute masskorsband on the basis of their content.
the Examination of the contents of the media in order to be eligible for state aid have been put in place with the new mediestödet. , until now, It has been regarded as both inappropriate and which is incompatible with the constitutional rules on freedom of establishment. The government has indicated that a innehållsprövning also be in place with regard to the traditional scheme in support of newspapers.
. The government should set up a committee with the specific task of reproducing the foundations of their power.